and Evaluations

Psychological and Neuropsychological Tests
Psychological tests are utilized to help clarify and make accurate diagnoses related to personality traits, mood, behavior, psychosis, cognitive functioning, attention, memory, and emotional functioning. We conduct testing for children, adolescents and adults.
Psychological testing is critical to early diagnosis and treatment, which will help ensure a life of success and healthy functioning for all individuals. The Mind Institute Psychotherapy, Inc. is here to help with your testing needs.
Psychological tests can be used for individuals who need:
• Academic Accommodation
Some individuals struggle in school for various reasons and may need accommodations to help them succeed in school. Students may be awarded additional time for test-taking, more breaks, support the need for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan and be provided with other resources within the school system for issues related to learning disabilities, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, etc.
College students may need to provide their college or university with a recent psychological evaluation signed by a psychologist in order to receive accommodations, as an IEP will not be accepted as proof.
• Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
If a parent disagrees with the assessment conducted by their child’s school, they can request an independent evaluation by a psychologist not employed by the school. This is often paid for by the school district.
• Diagnostic Clarification
Can help a Therapist/Psychologist in more effectively understanding the clients challenges, can assist in treatment planning and accurately diagnose a client. Psychological evaluations are often referred to by Psychiatrists or other medical providers in differentiating between diagnoses in order to prescribe the right medications.
• Social Security Disability
Some individuals may be eligible for government financial assistance depending on their diagnosis.
• Legal/Forensic Evaluations
Can be used in legal situations to assess judgment and reasoning, psychopathology, deception, neuropsychological issues, trauma, or injury.

The National Center for Education Statistics reported that 7.3 million students in the United States, ages 3-21 received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) between 2019-2020. The highest percentage, at 33% (2.4 million) was for “specific learning disabilities,” 19% (1.39 million) for speech or language disabilities, 11% (803,000) for autism, 7% (511,000) for developmental delays, 6% (438,000) for intellectual disability, and 5% (365,000) for emotional disturbance.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 6.1 million (9.4%) children were diagnosed with ADHD. Boys are more commonly diagnosed with the disorder than girls (12.9% compared to 5.6%).
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 6.1 million (9.4%) children were diagnosed with ADHD. Boys are more commonly diagnosed with the disorder than girls (12.9% compared to 5.6%).
It is estimated that 50-60% of individuals will continue to experience ADHD symptoms in adulthood. Persistent ADHD symptoms will impact an individual’s education, work, social, emotional, and cognitive functioning.
At The Mind Institute Psychotherapy, Inc., we take great care to administer a full battery of tests that will provide an accurate diagnosis, as well as treatment recommendations at the conclusion.

ages of 6-11
ages of 2-5
ages of 12-17

Neuropsychological Evaluations
Comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations are used when there is evidence to suggest neurological problems, such as ADHD, dyslexia, autism spectrum, nonverbal learning disorder, traumatic brain injury, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or alcohol and/or drug related damage. Neuropsychology focuses on genetic, developmental, and environmental factors with extensive testing data to better understand brain functioning. Psychological testing can diagnosis a condition, such as ADHD based upon behavior, however, neuropsychological testing can specify the origin, severity, and development of a disorder and then customize recommendations to create a specific treatment plan.

- Attention and Concentration
- Verbal and Visual Memory
- Auditory and Visual Processing
- Visual-Spatial Functioning
- Language and Reading skills
- Phonology and Audiology
- Sensory Integration
- Gross and Fine Motor Development
- Executive Functioning
Common Testing Requests include, but not limited to:
- Autism
- Cognitive (IQ, Processing, Judgment, Learning, Memory)
- Mood (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Psychopathy, etc.)
- Behavior (Deception, Trauma, Abuse, High-Risk Behaviors)
Testing often includes a clinical interview, review of records, observational assessments, and collateral information from educators, medical providers, and caretakers as needed. Testing can take several hours to administer and can be done in two separate appointments if needed. The test results are scored, interpreted and written into a comprehensive psychological report. The psychologist will review the results with you at the feedback appointment and you are provided with the final report.
50% of the testing fee is due prior to the initial clinical interview. The remaining 50% is due prior to the release of the written report.
The report will be completed within 30 days of the completion of all testing. If the report is needed sooner than 30 days, a rush fee will be assessed.
Payments accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover